Annotate NextJS Pages with tags

Thursday, February 16th 2023

Annotate NextJS Pages with tags

To annotate an FAQPage in NextJS with tags, you can use the NextSeo component from the next-seo package to add the necessary metadata to your pages.

Here's an example of how to annotate an FAQPage using NextSeo:

import { NextSeo } from 'next-seo'; function FAQPage() { const faqItems = [ { question: 'What is Next.js?', answer: 'Next.js is a popular React framework for building server-side rendered (SSR) web applications.', }, { question: 'How do I create a new Next.js project?', answer: 'You can create a new Next.js project using the `create-next-app` CLI tool.', }, // add more FAQ items as needed ]; return ( <> <NextSeo title="FAQ - My Next.js Site" description="Frequently asked questions about My Next.js Site." openGraph={{ type: 'website', title: 'FAQ - My Next.js Site', description: 'Frequently asked questions about My Next.js Site.', images: [ { url: '', alt: 'FAQ - My Next.js Site', }, ], }} additionalMetaTags={[ { name: 'keywords', content: 'next.js, faq, frequently asked questions', }, ]} additionalLinkTags={[ { rel: 'canonical', href: '', }, ]} /> <main> <h1>Frequently Asked Questions</h1> <ol> {{ question, answer }) => ( <li key={question}> <h2>{question}</h2> <p>{answer}</p> </li> ))} </ol> </main> </> ); }

In this example, we use the NextSeo component to add metadata to the page, including the page title, description, and Open Graph tags. We also include additional meta tags and link tags as needed.

To add tags to the page, we can use the jsonLd property of the NextSeo component to add a script tag with the JSON-LD data. Here's an example of how to add tags for an FAQPage:

<NextSeo // ... jsonLd={[ { '@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', mainEntity:{ question, answer }) => ({ '@type': 'Question', name: question, acceptedAnswer: { '@type': 'Answer', text: answer, }, })), }, ]} />

In this example, we define a JSON-LD object with the @context and @type properties set to and FAQPage, respectively. We also define the mainEntity property as an array of Question and Answer objects, based on the faqItems array. Finally, we pass the JSON-LD object to the jsonLd property of the NextSeo component to add it to the page.