Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX)

Saturday, March 18th 2023

The Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) is a public dataset of real user performance data collected from Chrome users who have opted in to share their browsing history and usage metrics with Google. This data is used to provide aggregated metrics for website performance, including page load time, time to first byte, and time to interactive, broken down by country, device type, and other factors.

To contribute your site's data to the CrUX database, you need to enable data collection in your website's code. This involves adding a small JavaScript snippet to your site's pages that collects performance data and sends it to Google. The JavaScript code uses the Navigation Timing API to measure various performance metrics, including page load time, time to first byte, and other user-centric metrics.

Once you have enabled data collection, you can use the CrUX dashboard to view aggregated performance data for your site, broken down by device type, country, and other factors. You can also use the data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your site for better performance and user experience.

It's important to note that enabling data collection for CrUX is optional, and users must explicitly opt-in to share their browsing history and usage metrics with Google. Additionally, CrUX only collects data from Chrome users, so the dataset may not be representative of performance across all browsers and platforms.

The URL for the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) is:

This URL provides access to the CrUX dashboard, which allows you to view performance data for your website and other sites. You can use the dashboard to filter the data by country, device type, and other factors, and to identify areas for improvement in your site's performance and user experience.

Additionally, if you are a developer or data analyst, you can access the raw CrUX dataset through the Google BigQuery platform. This allows you to run custom queries and analyses on the data to gain deeper insights into website performance and user experience.

Setting up CrUX via Google Tag Manager

Here are the steps to enable CrUX using GTM:

  1. Create a new tag in GTM and select the "Google Analytics" tag type.

  2. Configure the tag to send data to your Google Analytics property. Make sure to set the tracking ID to the ID for the property you want to use for CrUX data.

  3. In the "More settings" section of the tag configuration, select "Fields to set".

  4. Add a new field with the name "sampleRate" and set the value to 100. This sets the sample rate for CrUX data collection to 100%, meaning that data will be collected for all users who opt-in.

  5. Add another field with the name "crux" and set the value to "true". This enables CrUX data collection for the tag.

  6. Save the tag and publish your changes.

Once you have enabled CrUX data collection through GTM, you can use the CrUX dashboard or other performance monitoring tools to view the data for your site and identify areas for improvement in your site's performance and user experience.

It's important to note that enabling CrUX is optional, and users must explicitly opt-in to share their browsing history and usage metrics with Google. Additionally, CrUX only collects data from Chrome users, so the dataset may not be representative of performance across all browsers and platforms.