Giovanni Battista Palatino

Friday, March 17th 2023

Giovanni Battista Palatino was an Italian calligrapher and type designer who lived during the Renaissance period. He was born in Rossano, Calabria, Italy, in 1515, and died in Rome in 1575.

Palatino is best known for his work as a calligrapher, and is credited with developing the Chancery Italic style of handwriting. He produced several influential calligraphy manuals, including "Libro nuovo d'imparare a scrivere" (New Book of Learning to Write), which was published in 1540 and became one of the most popular calligraphy books of its time.

Palatino was also an accomplished type designer, and created several typefaces that are still in use today. His most famous typeface is "Palatino," which was first released in the 1950s by the German type foundry Hermann Zapf. The Palatino typeface is known for its elegance, simplicity, and readability, and has become a classic of modern typography.

In addition to his work as a calligrapher and type designer, Palatino was also a talented engraver and printer. He produced several illustrated books, including editions of Virgil's "Aeneid" and Horace's "Odes," that are renowned for their beauty and craftsmanship.

Palatino's work had a significant impact on the development of calligraphy and graphic arts during the Renaissance and beyond. His calligraphy manuals and type designs continue to be studied and admired by calligraphers, typographers, and designers today, and his legacy as a master of the art of the written word remains strong.