Merge JSON Trees Recursively

Thursday, March 16th 2023

To manually merge two JSON trees recursively in ES6, you can write a function that traverses both trees and merges their properties based on some rules.

Here's an example of a function that recursively merges two JSON trees:

function mergeTrees(tree1, tree2) { const merged = {}; for (let key in tree1) { if (key in tree2) { if (typeof tree1[key] === "object" && typeof tree2[key] === "object") { merged[key] = mergeTrees(tree1[key], tree2[key]); } else { merged[key] = tree2[key]; } } else { merged[key] = tree1[key]; } } for (let key in tree2) { if (!(key in tree1)) { merged[key] = tree2[key]; } } return merged; }

In this example, we define a function called mergeTrees that takes two JSON trees, tree1 and tree2, as input. The function returns a new JSON tree that is the result of merging tree1 and tree2.

The function first creates a new object called merged that will hold the merged properties.

It then iterates through the keys of tree1 using a loop. For each key, the function checks if the same key exists in tree2. If it does, the function checks if the values of the two keys are both objects. If they are, the function recursively merges the objects using the mergeTrees function. If they are not, the function sets the value of the key to the value in tree2.

If the key is not found in tree2, the function sets the value of the key to the value in tree1.

Finally, the function iterates through the keys of tree2 that were not already processed in the first loop. For each key, the function sets the value of the key to the value in tree2.

The resulting merged object contains all the properties of tree1 and tree2, merged recursively.

Note that this implementation is just an example, and depending on your specific use case, you may need to modify it to suit your needs.