Naive Bayes Classifier

Saturday, March 18th 2023

The Naive Bayes classifier is a probabilistic machine learning model used for classification tasks, where it predicts the class of an input based on the features of that input. It is called "Naive" because it assumes that all features are independent of each other, which is often an oversimplification but can still be effective in practice.

The classifier is based on Bayes' theorem, which states that the probability of a hypothesis (in this case, the class) given some evidence (the input features) is proportional to the probability of the evidence given the hypothesis, multiplied by the prior probability of the hypothesis. The Naive Bayes classifier calculates the probability of each possible class given the input features, and selects the class with the highest probability.

There are different variations of the Naive Bayes classifier, but the most commonly used ones are the Gaussian Naive Bayes and the Multinomial Naive Bayes. Gaussian Naive Bayes assumes that the input features follow a Gaussian distribution, while Multinomial Naive Bayes is used for discrete count data, such as word counts in text classification.

The Naive Bayes classifier has some advantages over other classifiers, such as its simplicity, fast training time, and ability to handle high-dimensional data. However, its assumption of feature independence can be a limitation, especially if the features are correlated, and it may not perform as well as more complex models in some cases.