Sinigang na Hipon

Tuesday, February 28th 2023

Variations of Sinigang na Hipon

Sinigang na Hipon, or sour shrimp soup, is a popular Filipino dish that is often made with tamarind to give it a sour flavor. There are several ways to prepare Sinigang na Hipon, depending on personal taste and regional preferences. Here are a few variations:

  1. Basic Sinigang na Hipon - This is the most common and basic version of the dish. It involves boiling shrimp, onions, tomatoes, tamarind, and other vegetables, such as kangkong (water spinach) or okra, in water until cooked. The broth is then seasoned with fish sauce or salt to taste.

  2. Sinigang na Hipon sa Miso - This version of the dish includes miso paste, which is added to the broth to give it a deeper and more savory flavor. The miso paste is usually added towards the end of the cooking process to avoid overcooking and discoloration.

  3. Sinigang na Hipon sa Kamias - This version of the dish uses kamias, a small and sour fruit, in place of tamarind. Kamias gives the dish a tangy and sour taste that is similar to tamarind. The shrimp and vegetables are cooked in the same way as in the basic version.

  4. Sinigang na Hipon sa Bayabas - This version of the dish uses guava as the souring agent instead of tamarind or kamias. The guava is boiled until soft, and the broth is then strained and added to the shrimp and vegetables.

  5. Sinigang na Hipon sa Calamansi - This version of the dish uses calamansi, a small citrus fruit, in place of tamarind or kamias. The calamansi juice is added towards the end of the cooking process to give the broth a tangy flavor.

These are just a few examples of the different ways to prepare Sinigang na Hipon. The dish can be adapted according to personal taste and ingredient availability.