Stoicism in Project Management

Thursday, March 16th 2023

Stoicism can be applied to project management in a number of ways:

  1. Focus on what you can control: As a project manager, there are many factors outside of your control, such as unexpected delays or changes in scope. Stoicism teaches us to focus on what we can control, such as our own actions and decisions. This means that even in the face of unexpected obstacles, we can remain calm and centered by focusing on the actions we can take to move the project forward.

  2. Embrace adversity: Projects are often complex and fraught with challenges. Stoicism teaches us to embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth and learning. By reframing setbacks as opportunities for growth, we can cultivate resilience and overcome challenges more effectively.

  3. Practice equanimity: Stoicism emphasizes the importance of maintaining emotional balance, even in the face of difficult situations. As a project manager, this means staying calm and focused under pressure, and avoiding getting caught up in emotional reactions to setbacks or delays.

  4. Take a long-term perspective: Stoicism encourages us to take a long-term perspective and focus on the big picture. As a project manager, this means keeping the project goals and objectives in mind at all times, and avoiding getting caught up in short-term distractions or setbacks.

  5. Cultivate relationships: Project management is a collaborative effort that requires strong relationships and effective communication. Stoicism reminds us to prioritize our relationships with team members, stakeholders, and other project participants. By building strong relationships, we can foster trust, build effective teams, and achieve better project outcomes.

Overall, Stoicism can be a powerful tool for project managers, helping them to stay focused, resilient, and effective in the face of complex challenges and unexpected setbacks.