
Saturday, March 18th 2023

SVG.js is a lightweight JavaScript library for creating and manipulating SVG elements in web pages. It is designed to be simple, intuitive, and easy to use, while providing a wide range of features and functionality for working with SVGs.

Some of the powerful features of SVG.js include:

  1. Support for all SVG elements: SVG.js provides a simple and intuitive API for creating and manipulating all types of SVG elements, including paths, shapes, gradients, filters, masks, and more.

  2. Powerful animation tools: The library includes built-in animation tools for creating smooth and responsive animations and transitions between different states of your SVG elements.

  3. Event handling: SVG.js makes it easy to handle user events on your SVG elements, such as clicks, mouseovers, and more.

  4. Advanced transformation tools: The library includes powerful transformation tools for rotating, scaling, and translating your SVG elements, as well as for applying matrix transformations.

  5. Path manipulation: SVG.js includes a wide range of tools for manipulating and working with SVG paths, including merging, splitting, and simplifying paths.

  6. Text handling: The library makes it easy to add and manipulate text elements within your SVGs, with support for multiple fonts, sizes, and styles.

  7. Extensible plugin system: SVG.js includes a plugin system that allows developers to extend the library with custom functionality, making it easy to add new features and functionality as needed.

Overall, SVG.js is a powerful and versatile library for working with SVGs in web pages, with a wide range of features and functionality for creating, manipulating, and animating SVG elements. It is also well-documented, with clear and concise API documentation and plenty of examples to help developers get started quickly.

Animation Example

Here's an example of how you can use SVG.js to animate an SVG element on the browser:

<!-- Include SVG.js library --> <script src=""></script> <!-- Define SVG element --> <svg id="my-svg" width="100" height="100"> <rect x="10" y="10" width="50" height="50" fill="red" /> </svg> <script> // Initialize SVG.js on the SVG element const svg = SVG('my-svg') // Animate the rectangle's position and color'rect') .animate(1000, '-', 0) .move(50, 50) .fill('blue') </script>

In this example, we first include the SVG.js library from a CDN. Then, we define an SVG element with an initial rectangle element inside it. We use the SVG function to initialize the SVG.js library on the SVG element.

Next, we select the rectangle element using the select method, and chain the animate method to create an animation with a duration of 1000 milliseconds, easing function of - (linear), and delay of 0 milliseconds. We then chain the move method to move the rectangle to a new position of (50, 50), and the fill method to change its color to blue.

The result is an animation that moves the rectangle from its initial position to a new position of (50, 50) and changes its color from red to blue over a duration of 1000 milliseconds.